Wednesday, 17 September 2014


Abel Raise The Cain is a alternative post-Powerpop band, from in and around the Teeside area, based in London at the moment. The band originated two years ago from a mutual love for the same genre of music. Too Late is one of their most popular songs. I asked the lead singer, Sean Crichton, a few questions about him and the band.

How and when did the band originate?

Sean Crichton:
The band originated about 2 years ago, me and some members of a few other local bands decided to get together to make something new.

Where does the band's name come from?

The band name is a play on words surrounding cain and abel, the second and third sons of adam and eve. Cain murdered Abel in a jealous rage and God cursed him to walk the earth for all eternity.

What made you decide to start singing?

When I was a kid, I found an old black tape, and on that tape was The Beatles. I listened to it non-stop for years. It was them who inspired me to learn to play guitar, and following that to start singing.

When were you most nervous for a performance?

Yeah, I remember my first ever gig with a different band, I was nervous the whole week leading up to it, it was a scary thing to do, but as soon as we were up there playing our first song, it was exhilarating. That feeling wiped the nerves away.

What was your favourite performance?

I think the performance always depends on the crowd, if you have a good crowd they can make the show for you, I think my favourite was at an outdoor festival we did locally. We had a wild crowd who were really into it, climbing over the barrier shouting and singing along. It was just starting to get dark and it was just a perfect moment that has to be my favourite.

What were your most embarrassing moment on stage?

Embarrassing moments tend to come when you make mistakes, so you only have your self to blame, but thankfully they don't happen often but there has been occasions where iv'e forgotten some of the words to one of my own songs haha, daft i know.

What type of music do you listen to?

I like to listen to bands such as The Doors, The Beatles, Arcade Fire, Coldplay, Kings Of Leon, The Editors, but I really like a wide range of music.

What is your favourite music genre?

Indie rock&roll.

If you could have any other talent, what would it be and why?

I'd really like to be able to play the piano well. I play a bit but I'd like to be like the people you see playing all sorts of technical classical stuff, just because I think it's amazing.

Who inspired you to start singing?

The Beatles are the founders of everything musical for me.

What has been the biggest moment of your career so far?

I'd say having our debut song used by Chanel 4 on an english television program.

If you could sing with any singer, who would it be and why?

If that's from all of history it would have to be John Lennon from The Beatles or Jim Morrisson from The Doors, because they are my idols and have contributed so much to music and my life.

What song is your favourite on your album?

We haven't released our debut album yet but of all the songs so far I would have to say Too Late or The Promise.

What are your plans for the future?

I would really like to do a tour in Europe or America.

What are you looking forward to in 2014?

Looking forward to the World Cup and releasing our debut E.P :)

What advice would you give to young up-and-coming bands?

It would be that, if you are serious about your music, move to your music capitol, go for it, live it every day, even then you might not make it, but you will create the best memories of your life trying. For us it's London. I wished I had moved there when I was starting out, everything would be a lot easier.

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